#include #include #include #include // #include struct Coordinate { int x; int y; }; // Printing the field void printChar(char, int); void printField(int*, int, int); // field, row, column void printFieldLine(int, int); // column, space // int getIntLength(int); void makeField(int*, int, int, struct Coordinate*); char getAction(); int moveCell(int*, struct Coordinate*, int, int, char, int); // field, row, column, coordinate, action, count void indexFromCoordinate(struct Coordinate*, int*, int); void randomizeField(int*, int, int, struct Coordinate*); int checkField(int* field, int row, int column); int main() { int row, column, move_counter = 0; struct Coordinate emptycell; srand(time(NULL)); //srand(295837); printf("Input format is: a, b\n" "where a and b are integers.\n\n"); printf("Enter row and column length: "); scanf("%d, %d", &row, &column); int* field = (int*) malloc(row * column * sizeof(int)); makeField(field, row, column, &emptycell); randomizeField(field, row, column, &emptycell); clock_t begin = clock(); clock_t end; while (1) { printField(field, row, column); printf("Move count: %d\n", move_counter); if (checkField(field, row, column)) { break; } move_counter += moveCell(field, &emptycell, row, column, getAction(), 1); system("clear"); //system("cls"); } end = clock(); printf("begin= %Lf, end= %Lf\n", (long double) begin / CLOCKS_PER_SEC, (long double) end / CLOCKS_PER_SEC); long double time_spent = (long double) (end - begin) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; printf("Play time = %lf seconds\n\n", time_spent); } int checkField(int* field, int row, int column) { int i; for (int x = 0 ; x < row; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < column; y++) { i = (column*x) + y; if (i == (row * column) - 1){return 1;} if (field[i] != i + 1){return 0;} } } return 0; } void makeField(int* field, int row, int column, struct Coordinate* emptycell) { for (int x = 0 ; x < row; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < column; y++) { field[(column*x) + y] = (column*x) + y + 1; } } field[(column*row) - 1] = 0; (*emptycell).x = column; (*emptycell).y = row; } int getIntLength(int num) { int length = 0; if (num == 0){ return 1; } while(num > 0) { num = floor(num / 10); length++; } return length; } void printChar(char symbol, int count) { for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { printf("%c", symbol); } } void printField(int* field, int row, int column) { int space = 3; printFieldLine(column, space); for (int x = 0; x < row; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < column; y++) { if (field[(column*x) + y] == 0){ printf("|"); printChar(' ', space); continue; } printf("|%d", field[(column*x) + y]); printChar(' ', space - getIntLength(field[(column*x) + y])); } printf("|\n"); printFieldLine(column, space); } } void printFieldLine(int column, int space) { for (int i = 0; i < column; i++) { printf("+"); printChar('-', space); } printf("+\n"); } char getAction() { char action; fflush(stdin); printf("Enter an action (w, a, s, d for movement. t to quit): "); //action = getche(); action = getchar(); printf("%c", '\n'); return action; } void indexFromCoordinate(struct Coordinate* emptycell, int* num, int column) { *num = (((*emptycell).y - 1) * column) + ((*emptycell).x - 1); } int moveCell(int* field, struct Coordinate* emptycell, int row, int column, char action, int count) { int emptycell_index, move_counter = 0; indexFromCoordinate(emptycell, &emptycell_index, column); switch (action) { case 's': if ((*emptycell).y > 1) { if (count < 0){moveCell(field, emptycell, row, column, 'w', -count);} while (count > 0){ field[emptycell_index] = field[emptycell_index - column]; field[emptycell_index - column] = 0; (*emptycell).y -= 1; indexFromCoordinate(emptycell, &emptycell_index, column); count--; move_counter++;} return move_counter; } else {return 0;} case 'd': if ((*emptycell).x > 1) { if (count < 0){moveCell(field, emptycell, row, column, 'a', -count);} while(count > 0){ field[emptycell_index] = field[emptycell_index - 1]; field[emptycell_index - 1] = 0; (*emptycell).x -= 1; indexFromCoordinate(emptycell, &emptycell_index, column); count--; move_counter++; } return move_counter; } else {return 0;} case 'w': if ((*emptycell).y < row) { if (count < 0){moveCell(field, emptycell, row, column, 's', -count);} while(count > 0){ field[emptycell_index] = field[emptycell_index + column]; field[emptycell_index + column] = 0; (*emptycell).y += 1; indexFromCoordinate(emptycell, &emptycell_index, column); count--; move_counter++; } return move_counter; } else {return 0;} case 'a': if ((*emptycell).x < column) { if (count < 0){moveCell(field, emptycell, row, column, 'd', -count);} while(count > 0){ field[emptycell_index] = field[emptycell_index + 1]; field[emptycell_index + 1] = 0; (*emptycell).x += 1; indexFromCoordinate(emptycell, &emptycell_index, column); count--; move_counter++; } return move_counter; } else {return 0;} case 't': exit(0); default: return 0; } } void randomizeField(int* field, int row, int column, struct Coordinate* emptycell) { char actions[4] = {'w', 'a', 's', 'd'}; char last_action = 'n', new_action; for (int i = 0; i < row*column*50; i++) { do{ new_action = actions[rand() % 4]; } while (last_action == new_action); moveCell(field, emptycell, row, column, new_action, 1); last_action = new_action; } }