path: root/cl-forth.lisp
diff options
authormRnea <>2024-07-18 13:50:14 +0300
committermRnea <>2024-07-18 13:50:14 +0300
commita0fb419b1be8ed53f580c509b7a55cde8e06d4c9 (patch)
tree36ee859bce5235621e6f7656bb41a269dbe90736 /cl-forth.lisp
başlangıç, push pop + - . vb.
Diffstat (limited to 'cl-forth.lisp')
1 files changed, 140 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cl-forth.lisp b/cl-forth.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..565e1f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cl-forth.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+(in-package :cl-forth)
+(defparameter *identifiers* '(+ - |.| =))
+(defun is-identifier (sym)
+ (find sym *identifiers*))
+(defun make-token (sym? line col)
+ (if (or (is-identifier sym?) (numberp sym?))
+ (values (list sym? :line line :col col) nil)
+ (values (list sym? :line line :col col :error t) t)))
+(defun token-op (token)
+ (car token))
+(defun lex-line (line-stream line-num)
+ (iter (with col = 0)
+ (with has-err = nil)
+ (for next-char = (peek-char nil line-stream nil nil))
+ (until (null next-char))
+ (let ((flag t))
+ (cond ((char= #\. next-char)
+ (collect (make-token '|.| line-num col) into tokens)
+ (read-char line-stream))
+ ((char= #\Space next-char) (read-char line-stream))
+ ((char= #\; next-char) ;; and not in string
+ (finish))
+ (t (setf flag nil)))
+ (when flag
+ (incf col)
+ (next-iteration)))
+ (for next-sym in-stream line-stream
+ using #'read-preserving-whitespace)
+ (multiple-value-bind (token err)
+ (make-token next-sym line-num col)
+ (collect token into tokens)
+ (when err ;; skip line on error and continue lexing
+ (setf has-err t)
+ (finish))
+ (incf col (length (princ-to-string next-sym))))
+ (finally (return (values tokens has-err)))))
+(defun lex-file (file-name &optional report-errors)
+ (let ((has-error nil))
+ (values
+ (with-open-file (str file-name)
+ (iter outer
+ (for line = (read-line str nil nil))
+ (until (null line))
+ (for line-num from 1)
+ (multiple-value-bind (tokens has-err)
+ (lex-line (make-string-input-stream line) line-num)
+ (when has-err
+ (setf has-error t)
+ (when report-errors
+ (format t "~a~%" line)
+ (let ((err-token (find-if (lambda (tok) (find :error tok))
+ tokens)))
+ (format t "~a^"
+ (make-string (getf (cdr err-token) :col)
+ :initial-element #\Space)))))
+ (appending tokens))))
+ has-error)))
+;; (defun prog-from-tokens (tokens)
+;; (iter (for token in tokens)
+;; (let ((op (token-op token)))
+;; (cond ((numberp op)
+;; (collect `(push ,op) result-type 'vector))
+;; (t (collect (list op) result-type 'vector))))))
+(defun parse-tokens (tokens)
+ (iter (with ops = (make-array (length tokens) :fill-pointer 0
+ :adjustable t))
+ (for i from 0)
+ (for token in tokens)
+ (let ((op (token-op token)))
+ (cond ((numberp op)
+ (vector-push-extend `(push ,op) ops))
+ (t (vector-push-extend (list op) ops))))
+ (finally (return ops))))
+(defun make-program (file-name)
+ (multiple-value-bind (tokens has-error)
+ (lex-file file-name t)
+ (when has-error
+ (error "Can't generate program due to error during lexing"))
+ (parse-tokens tokens)))
+;; (defun *ops* '(push pop minus dump))
+(defun interpret-program (program)
+ (iter (with stack = (make-array 100 :fill-pointer 0 :adjustable t))
+ (for op in-sequence program)
+ (case (first op)
+ (push (vector-push-extend (second op) stack))
+ (+ (vector-push-extend (+ (vector-pop stack)
+ (vector-pop stack))
+ stack))
+ (- (vector-push-extend (let ((top (vector-pop stack)))
+ (- (vector-pop stack) top))
+ stack))
+ (|.| (print (vector-pop stack)))
+ (= (vector-push-extend (= (vector-pop stack)
+ (vector-pop stack))
+ stack))
+ (otherwise (error "op: ~a -- Not implemented yet" (first op))))))
+(defun gen-header (op str)
+ (format str " ;; -- ~s --~%" op))
+;; (defun not-implemented (str)
+;; (format str " ;; -- TODO: not implemented --~%"))
+(defun generate-program (program &key (path "output.asm") (compile nil))
+ (with-open-file (out path :direction :output
+ :if-exists :supersede)
+ (format out "~a~%" "segment .text")
+ (gen-dump out)
+ (format out "~{~a~%~}" '("global _start"
+ "_start:"))
+ (iter (for op in-sequence program)
+ (gen-header op out)
+ (let ((op-fn (gethash (car op) *operations*)))
+ (if (null op-fn)
+ (format t "~s is not an op" (car op))
+ (apply op-fn out (cdr op)))))
+ (format out "~{~a~%~}" '(" mov rax, 60"
+ " mov rdi, 0"
+ " syscall")))
+ (when compile
+ (run `("nasm" "-felf64" ,path))
+ (let ((name (first (uiop:split-string path :separator '(#\.)))))
+ (run `("ld" "-o" ,name ,(concatenate 'string name ".o"))))))
+(defun compile-program (path)
+ (generate-program (make-program path) :compile t))